Saturday, August 12, 2006

I take a daily shot to prevent osteoporosis. Three small pen sized vials are delivered quarterly in an 18" x 14" styrofoam container. I knew I had become an old lady when I could not bear to throw it away even though I had no use for it.

Once 9-year-old Son of Cloud performed a chemistry experiment on our patio. Directly above his unauthorized lab table was a styrofoam life preserver. His experiment involved matches and before he knew it the styrofoam was ablaze and subsequently the side of the shed. A neighbor hosed things down and reported to us the dangerous event.

So even though there is room in the garage for many containers, I am fearful of styrofoam. Son of Cloud lives a thousand miles from here but he has his old garage door opener. And he never forgave me for confiscating that chemistry set.


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