I talked to "Sam" at Earthlink earlier this week.
It took him 30 minutes to gather my name, father's middle name etc. He could not repeat my French spelled street address. He put me on hold several times. He is mailing a more up to date DSL modem and not charging for the modem or shipping. He is knocking $10 off my bill next month. Then he INSISTED I be HAPPY!
Sam: Are you happy?
M.E.: No.
Sam: [Lists all he has given me.] You are happy NOW Margaret.
M.E. : I have wasted hours on the phone. I am not happy.
At this point he berates me for not being happy.
So I gave him terrible marks on an evaluation that came right after the call and added this :
"Since 2/11/07 I have been patronized and hung up on by people at Earthlink. My passwords are compromised and I have been expected to remain on the phone for long periods of time.
"Five days without service is unacceptable. I cannot be made happy. To hear "Sam Daniels" insist that I be happy is insulting. To be happy I need real customer service; not lip service.
"My suggestion is that you establish a supervisor who can be called on when your first line staff is unable to help a Valued Customer. I kept notes on the people I talked to and only two bothered to write up a trouble ticket. Of those only 'Jason' followed up."
Today the new modem was hurled on my porch by Fed Ex. It did not make me happy. While I was typing this my connection failed twice.